Sunday, February 10, 2008

Why Liberalism Doesn't Work On Social Conservatives?

It has been a long known fact that in any society you have had those who simply don't understand the concept of their own person contribution. They scream freedom... but it isn't freedom for such noble things as living and pursuing a productive life as a member of that society, it is usually based on endlessly narcissistic and vain machinations based on their individual perspectives - which are visceral, b aser... and flat out sensual by nature, e.g. homosexual behavior, lesbian behavior, indulging relativism as a means to justify it all along a list of sophic indigences and inflammatory rhetoric espousing some of the most radical abasement of common sense the human mind can conceive - all in the name of attempting to escape the conviction of their folly.

"... relativism is for physics, not for ethics" - Albert Einstein

The post modern education system told us that nothing was relevant but what we felt, that is a lie... apparently it is not. The therapeutic system in place now says, well it isn't your fault, there must be some repressive social pressure causing the problem, so... there it is - it's societies fault and not that of your own. Now this system only works if there is no system of internal accountability. Without a system of balanced, principled ethics and morays to give light to one's personal constitution, the social liberal ends up with a system of self valued behavior, in other words, smelling their own fumes. The "A" word for short... is a system of liberal thought applied to a complex of personal governance illiterated to us from Voltaire and Russo's Humanistic rabble, or Bertrand Russell's philandering antics down to Darwin's rage induced theories interpreted by and expounded on by elements useful to Karl Marx, or even more contemporary voices such as Barton, Sanger or in psychology such as Maslov or Skinner.

These voices have worked to not only to silence principled basis for an internal system of accountability - they mock and reduce the overall validity of the merits of Bible based principles or just simple moral awareness. Yet this social voice in politics seems to feel they have the answers for social conservatives as well? The reality is absurd, completely. To somehow espouse the notion that social and moral renegades can serve the same social interests [and here is the kicker] achieve the same results - knowing you aren't living right... How can you represent the voice of those who are producing the visible results of right living? Not saying that social conservatives are perfect...

But they didn't start a civil war of social dissidence based on moral incorrectness, and other self serving political and social philosophies expedient to their overall agenda. The bottom line is they are radically different and one, in the end, as it is revealing now will prove utterly disastrous.